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No giving in to the war against Ukraine

For the first time since the beginning of the attack against Ukraine, Kremlin leader Putin has invited people to the major annual press conference. He made it clear: There would only be peace when Russia had achieved its goals.

According to President Vladimir Putin, Russia is sticking to its goals in the Ukraine war. At his annual press conference he gave no indication of giving in. The goals of the “special military operation” – as Russia calls the war against Ukraine – remained unchanged, Putin said. “There will be peace when we achieve our goals,” he said.

Russia wants to continue to achieve “the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine” with its war of aggression. Another condition for peace is Ukraine’s neutral status – i.e. the renunciation of NATO membership. Observers saw this as an offer to the West asking Ukraine to capitulate in the war. Ukraine is not ready to negotiate demilitarization, Putin said. Russia was therefore “forced to take other measures, including military measures.”

No need for further mobilization

Regarding the situation at the front, the Kremlin chief said the Russian army was improving its positions “almost along the entire length of the line of contact.” Ukraine launched a counteroffensive in June, but it did not bring the successes Kiev had hoped for. The front line has hardly changed this year.

According to Putin, there is no need for the Russian army to further mobilize reservists. So far, around 486,000 volunteers have signed up for the military, in addition to the 300,000 soldiers who were drafted during the partial mobilization last year. “They fight excellently,” said the 71-year-old. And “the influx is not decreasing.” There are currently 617,000 Russian soldiers deployed in Ukraine.

From Putin’s perspective, Western enthusiasm for Ukraine’s resistance has waned. The fundamental reason for the conflict is the expansion of NATO to Russia’s border, he reiterated. Ukraine is now also a target for inclusion in the transatlantic alliance.

Putin announces growth despite sanctions

Putin also addressed the Russian economy. According to him, despite Western sanctions, this has increased. Gross domestic product (GDP) will rise by 3.5 percent this year, he said.

Putin admitted that inflation, at between 7.5 and 8 percent, was above the target he had set himself. However, the Kremlin boss was optimistic that price increases would be lower next year. According to Putin, real wages have also risen by eight percent despite inflation. The Russian economy has demonstrated unexpectedly high resilience, allowing the country to remain on a growth path despite Western pressure, he explained.

Putin did not mention that the growth was particularly due to the war economy and arms production. Experts repeatedly emphasized that this was not natural or healthy growth.

Media spectacle of state television

Putin’s annual press conference, attended by hundreds of Russian and foreign journalists, typically lasts hours. During the course, the Russian head of state answers questions live on a wide range of topics.

The question and answer session for journalists was combined as a media spectacle on state television with the TV show “The Direct Wire”, in which citizens can describe their problems, to form the program “Results of the Year”. Questions have already been submitted for two weeks.

The Kremlin leader wants to be elected president for the fifth time on March 17th. He had the constitution changed specifically for this purpose.

Jürgen Buch, ARD Moscow, tagesschau, December 14, 2023 11:58 a.m

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