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Austria's Chancellor criticizes border plans from Merz

CDU boss Merz's migration plans also ensure debates in neighboring countries. Austria's Chancellor basically praised the change of course, but also warned: If everyone “pulls up the tension bridges”, nobody in the end.

Friedrich Merz, CDU boss and candidate for chancellor of the Union, records despite all the criticism of his plans to tighten German migration policy. Among other things, they stipulate that permanently controlled on all German borders and asylum seekers can also be rejected there immediately. In addition to critical voices in their own country, warning words come from the neighboring state of Austria.

Although he is pleased that there is a rethink in Germany in migration policy, said the managing Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg on the sidelines of an EU meeting in Brussels. At the same time, however, the rules for the border control-free Schengen area would have to be observed. “We need – we all know that – common solutions,” said Schallenberg. “If each of us simply pulls the tension bridges up, then we are all poorer and none is safer.”

SCHALLENBERG: Consider rules for the Schengen area

With regard to the question of whether Austria would withdraw from Germany on the border, Schallenberg also referred to the applicable rules for the Schengen area. These stipulate that it would first have to be checked where the person in question has entered the EU. Only then can an EU state send a person seeking protection in the other EU state determined in this way

In an union application for migration policy, however, it is now a matter of “rejecting the German borders”, border controls are consistently connected to rejections. Anyone who wants to enter a member state of the European Union or from the Schengen area and make an asylum application in Germany is not threatened. He was rejected at the German state border.

Austria would be particularly affected. Because many of the most important migration routes towards Germany lead over Austria.

Schallenberg and Merz belong to the European party EPP

Schallenberg belongs to the ÖVP, which – like the CDU – is conservatively oriented. Both belong to the European party family EVP. This is also why the statements of Schallenberg in Brussels caused a particularly sensational sensation. The executive Chancellor commented on the topic at a EU Foreign Ministers' meeting on journalists. In addition to the office of Chancellor, he also perceives the function of the Austrian Foreign Minister.

The right FPÖ from Austria also spoke up. Party leader Herbert Kickl pointed out that Merz's asylum plans had been requested by the FPÖ for a long time. “He just lies before the choice or does he mean it seriously with his FPÖ position?” Asked Kickl in a message. Kickl is currently negotiating with the conservative ÖVP on a coalition led by the FPÖ. “Austria is going, Germany follows,” said Kickl to his plans to reject asylum seekers at the border.

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