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The best and cheapest way to train is in these fitness studios

For many people, the new year starts with good resolutions. Sport is often part of it. But which gym is right for you and where can you get the most bang for your buck?

Almost every second person plans to do more sport in the new year. That’s why many people sign up for a gym in January to fulfill their resolution.

The University of Europe for Applied Sciences (UE) has now taken a look at where there is the largest selection of studios and where there is the cheapest offer. The scientists compared the ten largest fitness chains in Germany in terms of their prices, availability and contract options.

Where is the cheapest sports offer?

The result: On average, an annual subscription to a fitness studio in Germany costs around 36 euros per month. The cheapest option is from the provider FitX at just 24 euros per month. In addition, there is only a one-time registration fee of 29 euros. In addition to the fitness offerings in the studio, you can also take part in numerous courses. The disadvantage: FitX does not offer subscriptions that can be canceled on a monthly basis.

McFit and FitOne are similarly cheap at 24.90 euros per month or 25 euros for an annual subscription. At FitOne you save the registration fee, which at McFit is 39 euros.


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Which gym is the most expensive?

The most expensive gym chain is Kieser Training at 69 euros per month. There is also a registration fee of 149 euros. Another disadvantage: the minimum contract term is two years. In addition, a year of training costs 540 euros more than with FitX. However, there is also a big advantage: At Kieser, the focus is on personal advice; the training plan is adapted to the machines and to your personal needs.

Fitness First is similarly expensive at around 60 euros per month. However, there is no registration fee and the trial training is also free. At McFit, John Reed and Venice Beach, however, a fee of between 10 and 15 euros is due.

Monthly cancellable contracts are particularly expensive

If you suspect that you will only be motivated at the beginning of the year and that the gym fee will no longer be worth it after just a few months, you should take out a monthly subscription.

Easyfitness has the cheapest contract for 29.99 euros. With Easyfitness there is also no surcharge if you cancel. At McFit, on the other hand, you pay almost 45 percent more for a monthly termination option: instead of 24.90 euros, you pay 44.90 euros per month. John Reed, Jumpers Fitness and Ai Fitness also offer the option of monthly cancellation, but for 20 euros more per month.

“There are no more excuses, sport is a food”

“The fitness ecosystem offers many different options for becoming physically active. Classic training in a stationary fitness studio remains the preferred option for many exercisers,” explains Prof. Dr. Thomas Rieger, head of the sports and event management program at the University of Europe.

Given the many offers, there are no more excuses. “Sport is a food that, in the right form and dosage, contributes enormously to promoting health.”


The University of Europe (UE) has identified the largest fitness chains in Germany based on a comprehensive study by Deloitte. Prices, locations and offers were compared for these chains.

The INJOY chain could not be included because pricing information was not publicly available. For the CleverFit franchise company, an average was calculated from the prices of locations in Berlin, Stuttgart and Bochum, among others.

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