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Tens of thousands protest against violence in Serbia

In Serbia there have again been mass protests against the state leadership. In the evening, tens of thousands of people gathered in Belgrade for a demonstration against President Vucic. They accused the government of doing too little against violence.

Tens of thousands of people demonstrated in Belgrade against the violence in Serbia. It was the sixth straight protest after two shootings in May killed 18 people. Participants in Friday night’s rally gathered in front of the parliament in the center of the Serbian capital and marched in two separate columns to the government building, local media reported.

They demanded the resignation of President Aleksandar Vucic and the officials responsible for the security apparatus. They accused Vucic and the tabloid media he controlled of creating a climate of hatred and violence. The government is not taking decisive action against violence, against the widespread private ownership of guns in the country and against organized crime. Left-wing and liberal opposition parties and civil movements had called for the rally.

A 13-year-old shot nine classmates and a security guard in a Belgrade school in early May. A day later, a 21-year-old shot people in a village near Belgrade, killing eight of them.

Critics accuse President Vucic of an autocratic political style and favoritism. Vucic denies the allegations and said opposition groups wanted to use force to overthrow or even kill him.

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