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Up to 400,000 new soldiers for Ukraine?

Ukraine wants to strengthen the army with two laws on mobilization; 400,000 men could be recruited. The decision initially lies with Parliament. President Zelensky had already expressed skepticism.

The Ukrainian army urgently needs more soldiers. Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal has now presented two draft laws to the parliament in Kiev to tighten mobilization and meet the army’s demands.

The mobilization processes should be “improved” with the help of the new laws, according to the published drafts.

With the help of the first law, the age limit for reservists is to be reduced from 27 to 25 years. This would allow the Ukrainian military to recruit two more cohorts for the army – around 400,000 young men, according to the draft law. Those who have already been classified as unfit for military service should be re-examined.

Current entry in the military register is mandatory

Furthermore, the Ukrainian government wants to ensure that all men of military age between 18 and 60 are registered in the so-called military register. In the future, it will be mandatory to register and regularly renew your registration details.

In the future, notices of muster and call-up should also be delivered electronically and not, as was previously the case, only as a letter by post. This is also intended to ensure that Ukrainians living abroad who are subject to military service are reached.

Higher penalties for non-compliance Registration requirement

The second bill provides for harsher penalties if data is missing from the military register. If the rules to report are ignored, those affected should face having their cars confiscated and their accounts blocked. They should then no longer be able to receive loans. Conscripts who do not comply with summonses could even face immediate prison sentences if the law comes into force.

In the future, Ukrainians living abroad will only be able to apply for and receive identification documents at consulates if they can provide proof of a current military register entry.

“Expensive and politically sensitive question”

The Ukrainian military leadership has requested up to 500,000 more soldiers – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj announced this a few days ago. Not only to compensate for the losses of the fallen, but also to give soldiers at the front more rest breaks and vacation.

But Zelensky described the mobilization of new soldiers as “an expensive and politically sensitive issue.” Additional mobilization on this scale would cost around 500 billion hryvnia (12.2 billion euros). Zelenskyj referred to parliament, which must first decide on the issue. If MPs approve the government’s draft laws, Zelensky could veto them. Ukraine has been defending itself against the Russian war of aggression for more than 22 months. Many soldiers are said to be stationed at the front continuously for a very long time.

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