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Trump must pay a fine of $9,000

In the hush money trial, former US President Trump's comments about those involved in the proceedings have been banned by the court. He spoke out anyway and now has to pay a fine. If further violations occur, Trump could even face imprisonment.

In the trial against Donald Trump in connection with hush money payments to a porn actress, the former US president has to pay a fine of $9,000 (around 8,420 euros). In New York, Judge Juan Merchan responded to Trump's repeated comments about those involved in the trial. He is not allowed to do this because of a corresponding news ban – a “gag order”.

Merchan's fine is $1,000 for each of nine violations. In his written decision, the judge also ordered the ex-president to remove seven “offensive posts” from Trump's own online service Truth Social and two posts from his campaign website. Merchan stated: “The defendant is hereby warned that the court will not tolerate continued willful violations of his lawful instructions and will impose a prison term if necessary and appropriate in the circumstances.”

Prosecutor: Trump knows exactly what he's doing

The week before, prosecutor Christopher Conroy listed a number of news blocking violations that Trump committed through his account on the Truth Social platform or on his campaign website. Among other things, the likely trial witnesses Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen were attacked.

Trump knows exactly what he is allowed to do and what he is not allowed to do, “and he does it anyway,” said Conroy and applied for the fine. “We are not seeking a prison sentence yet,” although Trump “seems to be seeking it,” the prosecutor said.

Trump's lawyer Todd Blanche, however, presented his client's statements as reactions to political attacks: “It is allowed to react to political attacks.” When the judge repeatedly asked what attacks Trump had responded to there, Blanche did not give a specific statement.

In the run-up to the trial, Trump repeatedly portrayed Judge Merchan and District Attorney Alvin Bragg, among others, as corrupt and biased. Merchan therefore imposed a confidentiality obligation on comments made about prosecutors, witnesses and jurors as well as their relatives.

Accusation of forgery Business documents

The indictment accuses Trump of wanting to influence the outcome of the 2016 US presidential election by paying $130,000 in hush money to sex actress Daniels. Although the transaction itself was not illegal, when returning the money to his lawyer Michael Cohen, Trump falsified business documents in order to conceal their actual purpose.

This is the first criminal trial against an ex-president in US history. Trump faces several years in prison, which could also be suspended, or a fine. He himself declared himself not guilty.

The presumptive Republican candidate for the upcoming US presidential election must appear in court four days a week despite his campaign.

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