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Symbolic defeat for Trump competitor Haley

Former UN Ambassador Haley suffered a symbolic defeat in the first part of the Republican primaries in Nevada. The voting option “none of these candidates” received more support than she did.

Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley suffered defeat in the US Republican presidential primary in the state of Nevada. Former President Donald Trump's internal party competitor received 32 percent, significantly fewer votes than the “none of these candidates” option, for which more than 61 percent voted. Haley had almost no opponents and Trump's name was not on the ballot.

The result has no impact on the race for the Republican nomination: a victory in the primary is not decisive for the delegate votes, which are important for the party conventions at which the parties' candidates are formally nominated.

Further defeats are already on the horizon

The reason is a dispute between the state authorities and the Republicans in Nevada. The party decided to ignore the primary in the state and hold its own so-called caucus on Thursday, in which Donald Trump is the only notable candidate and in which the delegate votes are also distributed. It was already clear before the vote that Haley would not receive a vote from the delegates.

The result in Nevada is still another setback for Trump's competitor. She had already lost the votes in the states of Iowa and New Hampshire in the intra-party race against Trump, who was considered the favorite. It is already becoming apparent that she could also be defeated in the vote in her home state of South Carolina this month.

Democrat Biden without serious competitors

Meanwhile, the Democratic primary in Nevada also took place on Tuesday, with President Joe Biden clearly winning with around 90 percent of the vote. The 81-year-old is practically certain to be the Democratic candidate in the presidential election on November 5th because he has no serious competitors.

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