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Statutory Holidays in Alberta in 2024: The Complete List

Alberta residents can plan their year ahead with our comprehensive list of statutory holidays in Alberta in 2024. From New Year’s Day to Christmas Day, we’ve got you covered with all the important dates to mark on your calendar.

Here are the statutory holidays in Alberta for 2024:

1. January 1 – New Year’s Day

2. February 19 – Family Day

3. March 29 – Good Friday

4. April 1 – Easter Monday (Optional)

5. May 20 – Victoria Day

6. July 1 – Canada Day

7. August 5 – Heritage Day (Optional)

8. September 2 – Labour Day

9. September 30 – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Optional)

10. October 14 – Thanksgiving

11. November 11 – Remembrance Day

12. December 25 – Christmas Day

13. December 26 – Boxing Day (Optional)

Make sure to take advantage of these holidays to plan your vacations, spend time with loved ones, or simply relax and recharge. Stay tuned for more details on each holiday throughout the year!

New Year’s Day – January 1

The year begins with a day off on January 1, as Alberta observes New Year’s Day. This statutory holiday gives Albertans the opportunity to relax and celebrate the start of a new year with their loved ones.

On New Year’s Day, people in Alberta often participate in various activities and traditions. Some may choose to gather for a special meal with family and friends, while others may take the opportunity to enjoy outdoor winter activities, such as ice skating or skiing. It is also common for people to reflect on the past year and set goals and resolutions for the year ahead.

Statutory HolidayDate
New Year’s DayJanuary 1

As New Year’s Day falls on the first day of the year, it often symbolizes new beginnings and a fresh start. It is a time when people come together to celebrate and share their hopes and dreams for the future. Whether it’s spending time with loved ones, reflecting on personal growth, or simply enjoying the day off, New Year’s Day in Alberta is a special occasion that allows individuals to recharge and embrace the possibilities of the year ahead.

Family Day – February 19

In February, Albertans can enjoy a day with their loved ones on Family Day. This statutory holiday provides an opportunity to spend quality time together and appreciate the importance of family bonds. Family Day is celebrated on the third Monday in February, giving everyone a chance to relax and engage in activities that promote togetherness.

Family Day is a beloved holiday in Alberta, as it recognizes the value of family and the need for work-life balance. It allows individuals to prioritize their relationships and create lasting memories. Many families take advantage of this day off by planning outings, participating in community events, or simply enjoying leisurely activities at home.

To honor the spirit of Family Day, communities organize various events and festivities. These can include winter carnivals, outdoor activities like ice skating or skiing, and cultural celebrations. It is a day that celebrates the importance of family and reminds us to appreciate the time we spend with our loved ones.

Statutory HolidayDate
Family DayFebruary 19

Family Day is a time for relaxation, fun, and bonding. Whether you choose to embark on an adventure or simply enjoy a day of rest with your family, make the most of this special holiday. Create memories, strengthen relationships, and embrace the joy that comes from spending quality time with your loved ones.

Good Friday – March 29

March brings the observance of Good Friday, a day of reflection and rest in Alberta. As a statutory holiday, Good Friday allows Albertans to take a break from their usual routines and spend time with loved ones or engage in activities that promote personal well-being.

On this day, many people in Alberta observe religious traditions and attend church services to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Others may take advantage of the long weekend to embark on a short getaway or enjoy leisure activities closer to home.

Good Friday is a time for contemplation, gratitude, and connection. It provides an opportunity for individuals to reflect on their faith, spend quality time with family and friends, or simply appreciate the beauty of the spring season in Alberta. Whether it’s through attending a religious service, participating in community events, or engaging in personal reflection, Good Friday offers a chance to pause and rejuvenate.

Key Information:

March 29Good FridayA statutory holiday in Alberta

As you plan your year, it’s important to mark Good Friday on your calendar and make the most of this special day. Whether you choose to engage in religious activities or simply take a well-deserved break, Good Friday offers a valuable opportunity to rest, reflect, and rejuvenate in the beautiful province of Alberta.

Easter Monday (Optional) – April 1

Following Easter Sunday, Albertans have the option to take a well-deserved break on Easter Monday. This optional statutory holiday allows individuals to extend their holiday weekend and spend time with family and loved ones, or simply relax and recharge.

For those who choose to take advantage of this day off, there are various activities and events to enjoy throughout Alberta. Families can participate in Easter egg hunts or attend community celebrations, while others may prefer to take a leisurely stroll in one of the province’s beautiful parks or explore local attractions.

It’s important to note that while Easter Monday is an optional statutory holiday, some businesses and services may still operate as usual. Before making any plans, it’s recommended to check with local establishments and organizations for their operating hours on this day.

April 1Easter MondayOptional Statutory Holiday

Key Points about Easter Monday in Alberta:

  • Easter Monday is an optional statutory holiday in Alberta.
  • It falls on April 1, the day after Easter Sunday.
  • Individuals have the choice to take the day off or work as usual.
  • Various activities and events are available throughout the province.
  • Some businesses and services may still operate on Easter Monday, so it’s advisable to check their operating hours beforehand.

Victoria Day – May 20

May brings the celebration of Victoria Day, a day to honor Queen Victoria’s birthday and enjoy a long weekend. As a statutory holiday in Alberta, Victoria Day is a time for Canadians to gather with family and friends, relax, and embrace the arrival of warmer weather.

One of the highlights of Victoria Day is the abundance of outdoor activities available in Alberta. Whether you choose to explore the breathtaking landscapes of Banff National Park, have a picnic in one of the province’s many parks, or take a leisurely walk along the scenic river pathways, there are plenty of options to make the most of this special day.

To make the most of the long weekend, many Albertans plan trips to nearby destinations. With the stunning Rocky Mountains just a short drive away, it’s the perfect opportunity for a weekend getaway. From hiking and biking to camping and wildlife spotting, Alberta offers endless possibilities for adventure and relaxation.

So, mark your calendars and start planning for Victoria Day on May 20. Take this opportunity to enjoy the beauty of Alberta, spend quality time with loved ones, and create lasting memories. Make the most of the long weekend and indulge in the wonders that this province has to offer. Now, let’s take a look at the complete list of statutory holidays in Alberta for 2024.

January 1New Year’s Day
February 19Family Day
March 29Good Friday
April 1Easter Monday (Optional)
May 20Victoria Day
July 1Canada Day
August 5Heritage Day (Optional)
September 2Labour Day
September 30National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Optional)
October 14Thanksgiving
November 11Remembrance Day
December 25Christmas Day
December 26Boxing Day (Optional)

Canada Day – July 1

July 1 marks Canada Day, a day of national pride and celebration in Alberta. It commemorates the anniversary of the enactment of the Constitution Act, 1867, which united three separate colonies into a single Dominion within the British Empire, laying the foundation for the formation of modern-day Canada.

This statutory holiday brings Canadians together to honor the country’s rich history, diverse cultures, and shared values. It is a time to reflect on the achievements and progress made as a nation, as well as to appreciate the natural beauty and vast landscapes that define Canada.

On Canada Day, communities across Alberta come alive with festivities, including parades, concerts, fireworks, and outdoor activities. It’s a day to proudly display the red and white colors of the Canadian flag, indulge in delicious food, and spend quality time with family and friends.


“Canada Day is an opportunity for us to celebrate our collective identity, embrace our cultural diversity, and express gratitude for the privileges and freedoms we enjoy as Canadians.” – Prime Minister of Canada

“On this Canada Day, let us come together as one nation, united in our commitment to building a better future for all Canadians.” – Premier of Alberta

July 1Canada DayNo

Canada Day serves as a reminder of the values that unite Canadians, such as inclusivity, respect, and compassion. It is a time to appreciate the country’s rich heritage and celebrate the achievements of its people. So, mark your calendar and join in the festivities as Canada Day brings joy and unity to the province of Alberta.

Heritage Day (Optional) – August 5

Albertans have the option to celebrate their heritage and take a break on Heritage Day, observed on August 5. This optional statutory holiday provides an opportunity for individuals and communities to honor and showcase the rich cultural diversity and history of Alberta.

On Heritage Day, Albertans can participate in various events and activities that highlight and celebrate the unique traditions, customs, and contributions of different cultures. It is a day to reflect on the heritage of the province, appreciate its multiculturalism, and foster a sense of unity among the people.

Whether you choose to attend community festivals, explore local museums and historical sites, or simply relax with family and friends, Heritage Day offers a chance to immerse yourself in the vibrant tapestry of Alberta’s heritage. It is an occasion to learn from one another, appreciate our differences, and strengthen the bonds that make our province so special.

August 5Heritage DayOptional

Labour Day – September 2

September begins with a well-deserved day off for workers in Alberta, as they celebrate Labour Day. This statutory holiday provides an opportunity to honor the contributions and achievements of workers across the province. It is a time to acknowledge the importance of fair labor practices and the advancements made in workers’ rights.

Labour Day, which falls on September 2 in 2024, offers a chance to relax, spend time with loved ones, and recharge before the summer comes to a close. Many people take advantage of this long weekend by embarking on outdoor activities, attending community events, or simply enjoying some well-deserved rest.

On this day, Albertans can reflect on the progress made in terms of workplace safety, fair wages, and better working conditions. It is also a time to acknowledge the ongoing efforts to improve working conditions for all employees, ensure fair treatment, and promote a healthy work-life balance.

January 1New Year’s Day
February 19Family Day
March 29Good Friday
April 1Easter Monday (Optional)
May 20Victoria Day
July 1Canada Day
August 5Heritage Day (Optional)
September 2Labour Day
September 30National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Optional)
October 14Thanksgiving
November 11Remembrance Day
December 25Christmas Day
December 26Boxing Day (Optional)

As you plan your time off for the year, make sure to mark Labour Day on your calendar. Use this day to relax, recharge, and appreciate the immense value you bring to the workforce. Take the opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends and engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment. Let Labour Day in Alberta be a reminder of the importance of work-life balance and the celebration of workers’ achievements.

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Optional) – September 30

Albertans have the opportunity to recognize and reflect on the history and legacy of residential schools on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, observed on September 30. This optional statutory holiday provides an important moment for individuals and communities to honor Indigenous peoples and their experiences, while promoting the ongoing journey towards healing and reconciliation.

On this day, Albertans have the chance to participate in various events and activities that raise awareness about the impact of residential schools on Indigenous communities. These activities may include educational workshops, art exhibitions, cultural ceremonies, and community gatherings. It is a time to listen, learn, and show solidarity with Indigenous peoples.

Truth and Reconciliation SymposiumEdmonton Indigenous Cultural Center9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Community Healing CircleCalgary Peace Bridge Park12:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Traditional PowwowRed Deer Powwow Grounds1:00 PM – 10:00 PM

It is important to note that while the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is an optional holiday in Alberta, it is a significant opportunity for individuals and businesses to engage in meaningful conversations, educate themselves, and support reconciliation efforts. By acknowledging and respecting the significance of this day, we can contribute to shaping a better future for all Canadians.

Which Employees are Eligible for Statutory Holiday Entitlements?

Understanding Statutory Holiday Entitlements in Alberta

As we venture through the calendar of statutory holidays in Alberta for 2024, it’s crucial to understand who is eligible for these special days off. The employment landscape in Alberta is governed by rules that ensure employees enjoy their well-deserved breaks.

Eligibility Criteria for Statutory Holiday Pay

  • Regular Employment: Typically, employees in Alberta who have worked for an employer for at least 30 days in the 12 months prior to the holiday are eligible for statutory holiday pay.
  • Prior Work Requirements: It’s important to note that not just any 30 days will do. These should be days where the employee was actively engaged in work, contributing to the employer’s enterprise.

Exceptions and Specific Cases

  • Provincially vs. Federally Regulated: While most employees in Alberta fall under the provincial Employment Standards Code, there are those in federally regulated industries, like banking or telecommunications, who follow a different set of rules.
  • Part-Time and Casual Workers: These employees are also entitled to general holiday pay if they meet the working conditions, like having worked 30 days in the last 12 months.

Calculation of Holiday Pay

  • Average Daily Wage: The general holiday pay is often calculated based on an average daily wage, factoring in the hours worked in the last pay period prior to the holiday.
  • Premium Pay: If an employee works on the holiday, they might be entitled to premium pay. This could be 1.5 times their regular wage for the hours worked on that day.

2024: A Year of Holidays in Alberta

  • Holidays for Everyone: Whether it’s the vibrant celebrations of Canada Day on July 1 or the reflective mood of Remembrance Day on November 11, statutory holidays in Alberta offer something for every employee.
  • Flexibility and Options: Some holidays, like Easter Monday on April 1 or Heritage Day on August 5, are optional, providing flexibility to both employers and employees.

Additional Considerations

  • Employment Standards Rules: These rules related to statutory holidays ensure that employees in Alberta can enjoy these breaks without concern about losing out financially.
  • Seeking Legal Advice: For any uncertainties or specific cases, consulting an employment lawyer or the employment law team at a recognized firm can provide clarity and guidance.

Planning for Statutory Holidays in Alberta

With a comprehensive understanding of the statutory holiday entitlements, employees in Alberta can look forward to the holidays in 2024 with clarity and confidence. From the general holiday pay for Victoria Day on May 20 to the festive spirit of Christmas Day on December 25, each holiday offers a chance to recharge and celebrate.

Remember, eligibility and calculations might vary based on individual employment contracts and specific circumstances. It’s always wise to check with your employer or seek legal advice if you’re unsure about your statutory holiday entitlements. This way, you can fully enjoy the holidays in Alberta, knowing your rights are well protected.

Do You Need Help Managing Stat Holiday Pay in Alberta?

Navigating Alberta’s Statutory Holidays and Pay Entitlements

As we delve into the world of statutory holidays in Alberta, it’s essential to understand the nuances of managing stat holiday pay. This can be particularly challenging for both employees and employers who need to stay informed about Alberta’s employment laws and regulations.

Understanding Alberta’s Statutory Holidays

  • Comprehensive List: Alberta has nine general holidays, including popular ones like Canada Day and less commonly known optional holidays.
  • Public Holidays: These are days recognized by the government, including national holidays like Canada Day and provincial-specific days such as Family Day.

Alberta’s General Holidays: A Closer Look

  • Eligibility and Pay: Employees are eligible for holiday pay if they have worked a minimum of 30 workdays in Alberta in the year leading up to the holiday.
  • Calculation of Holiday Pay: Alberta’s employment standards rules related to holiday pay are specific. For instance, if an employee has worked 20 days and made $2,000, their average daily wage is $100, which is the base for their holiday pay.

Managing Work Schedules Around Holidays

  • Work Day Considerations: If the holiday falls on a regular workday (Monday to Friday), employees are typically entitled to the day off with pay.
  • Special Cases: For holidays that fall on a weekend, like when Canada Day falls on a Sunday, the following Monday may be observed as a holiday.

Pay for Working on a Statutory Holiday

  • Regular Stat Pay and Premium Pay: Employees working on a stat holiday in Alberta are eligible for both regular stat pay and premium pay for the hours worked.
  • Calculating Premium Pay: To calculate stat holiday pay, consider the employee’s regular wage and add a premium, often 1.5 times the regular rate.

Optional General Holidays in Alberta

  • Flexibility in Observance: Alberta recognizes four optional holidays, allowing businesses to choose whether to observe these days.
  • Employee Entitlements: Even for optional holidays, if an employee works, they are entitled to stat pay and premium stat pay.

Employment Law Guidance

  • Seeking Professional Advice: For detailed and specific queries, contacting the employment law team at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP or a similarly positively reviewed employment law firm can provide clarity.
  • Holiday Scheduling and Severance: Issues like scheduling shifts before the holiday or addressing severance pay during holiday periods can be complex, and professional advice is recommended.

Preparing for the Next Stat Holiday

  • Stay Informed: Keep track of when the next stat holiday falls, especially if it lands on a Monday, to manage pay and scheduling effectively.
  • Provincial vs. Federal Statutory Holidays: Be aware of the difference between Alberta’s provincial holidays and Canada’s federal statutory holidays.


Managing statutory holiday pay in Alberta requires a good understanding of both provincial and federal laws. By staying informed and possibly seeking professional legal advice, both employers and employees can navigate these holidays efficiently, ensuring compliance and satisfaction for all parties involved. Remember, proper planning and knowledge are key to making the most of Alberta’s stat holidays, from the festive season of Christmas to the reflective time of Remembrance Day.

Calculating Statutory Holiday Pay in Alberta

Understanding Alberta’s Statutory Holidays

Alberta statutory holidays are designated days when employees are entitled to take a break from work. These include widely celebrated days like Canada Day and unique provincial holidays like Family Day. Along with these, Alberta recognizes additional holidays that might not be statutory but are equally significant.

Alberta’s General Holidays: What Counts?

Apart from the well-known statutory holidays, Alberta also observes general holidays. These are days when businesses may close or operate with reduced hours. Examples include bank holidays and other days significant in the Canadian calendar. It’s important to distinguish these from statutory holidays as the pay rules may differ.

Public Holiday Pay: How Is It Calculated?

Calculating public holiday pay in Alberta involves understanding the specific regulations set by the province. This pay is generally determined by considering the average daily wage of the employee weeks prior to the holiday. The Alberta employment standards provide a clear formula for this calculation.

Special Cases: Holidays on Mondays

When a statutory holiday falls on a Monday, such as Labour Day, it often creates a long weekend. This is a factor in the calculation of holiday pay, especially if the employee is scheduled to work on these days. Employers need to be aware of these nuances to ensure correct pay is administered.

Statutory vs. Non-Statutory Holidays

While statutory holidays come with specific pay entitlements, this isn’t always the case for holidays that are not statutory. For example, some businesses may choose to recognize bank holidays, but these aren’t necessarily accompanied by the same pay obligations as statutory holidays.

Alberta Employment Laws: A Guide for Employers

Employers in Alberta are advised to familiarize themselves with the provincially regulated employment laws. These laws dictate the minimum standards for holiday pay, including for Alberta stat holidays. Employers should also stay updated with Canada’s most positively reviewed employment laws to ensure compliance.

Calculating Holiday Pay: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Determine Eligibility: Check if the employee is entitled to holiday pay based on their employment contract and the nature of the holiday.
  • Average Daily Wage: Calculate the employee’s average daily wage by considering their earnings in the weeks prior to the holiday.
  • Consider Work Schedules: For holidays falling on a Monday, factor in the last scheduled workday of the employee leading up to the holiday.

Vacation Pay and Statutory Holidays

Vacation pay in Alberta is another important aspect. This is calculated separately from statutory holiday pay but is a crucial part of the overall compensation package for employees.

Seeking Professional Help

For complex scenarios, consulting a reviewed employment law firm today can provide clarity and ensure legal compliance. This is especially crucial for understanding specific cases, such as when an employee works on a statutory holiday and how their pay should be calculated.


Navigating theintricacies of statutory holiday pay in Alberta requires a thorough understanding of both provincial and federal laws. For both employees and employers, staying informed and perhaps seeking professional advice is key to ensuring fair and lawful compensation during these special days.

Planning ahead and taking advantage of statutory holidays in Alberta can help individuals make the most of their time off in 2024. With a complete list of statutory holidays in Alberta for the year, individuals can effectively plan their vacations, spend quality time with family and friends, and engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation.

Starting with New Year’s Day on January 1, individuals can kick off the year on a positive note. They can enjoy a day off work and celebrate the beginning of a new year with loved ones. Following that, Family Day on February 19 provides an opportunity to cherish and appreciate family bonds while participating in fun activities.

Throughout the year, statutory holidays such as Good Friday on March 29 and Victoria Day on May 20 offer a chance for rest and rejuvenation. This allows individuals to recharge and enjoy long weekends, exploring the beautiful landscapes of Alberta or simply enjoying quality time at home.

Canada Day on July 1 marks a significant and joyous occasion for all Canadians. It is a time to celebrate the country’s heritage, culture, and achievements. Additionally, optional statutory holidays like Heritage Day on August 5 and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30 allow individuals to reflect on important aspects of Canadian history and engage in activities that promote understanding and unity.

Finally, statutory holidays like Labour Day on September 2, Thanksgiving on October 14, and Christmas Day on December 25 offer individuals the opportunity to appreciate their hard work, express gratitude, and celebrate the festive season with loved ones. The year ends with Boxing Day on December 26, an optional holiday that allows for relaxation and enjoyment after the busy holiday season.

With the Alberta holiday calendar for 2024 providing a roadmap, individuals can plan their time off and make the most of these statutory holidays. Whether it’s exploring Alberta’s scenic beauty, attending local events and festivals, or simply spending quality time with family and friends, these holidays offer valuable opportunities to create lasting memories. So, mark your calendars and start planning for a memorable 2024!

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