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Dozens dead in boat accident

A boat capsized in the Central African Republic on Friday. At least 58 people are said to have died. According to civil protection, numerous passengers are still missing – the search is ongoing.

Dozens of people have died in a boat accident in the Central African Republic. The head of civil protection, Thomas Djimasse, spoke of at least 58 deaths. The overloaded boat capsized on the Mpoko River in the capital Bangui on Friday.

Numerous people are still missing. According to eyewitnesses and video footage, more than 300 people were on board the boat during Friday's accident. The search for survivors is ongoing, so the number of victims could rise, said Djimasse.

Rescue workers arrived 40 minutes after the accident

According to witness statements and video recordings shared on online networks, the passengers were on their way to funerals when the overloaded barge became tilted and sank shortly after setting off. According to the civil defense director, the rescue workers arrived at the scene of the accident 40 minutes after the boat capsized.

The Central African Republic is located in the heart of Africa and borders, among other things, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Cameroon.

Karin Bensch, ARD Nairobi, tagesschau, April 20, 2024 9:58 p.m

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