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A third fewer accidents thanks to speed limits of 30 km/h

Lyon, France, had hoped that a new speed limit would reduce accidents. And in fact: since the introduction of the 30 km/h speed limit, their number has decreased significantly. A role model for German cities?

In France's third largest city, Lyon, the introduction of a speed limit has significantly reduced the number of accidents. Two years after the maximum inner-city speed was limited to 30 kilometers per hour, there were 35 percent fewer accidents, Mayor Grégory Doucet told the broadcaster BFMTV. “This is huge.”

There was even a decline of 39 percent in the number of serious traffic accidents, i.e. in accidents with serious injuries and deaths. “That means we saved lives,” said the Green town hall leader.

Speed ​​limit is intended to increase safety

Since March 30, 2022, the speed limit has been 30 on more than 80 percent of the streets in Lyon – similar to Paris, Grenoble, Lille and other major European cities such as Amsterdam. In Paris, almost 60 percent of residents voted in favor of a speed limit in a survey before its introduction.

The World Health Organization also recommends slower speeds for cars in cities. A collision with a car traveling at 50 km/h is 80 percent fatal for a pedestrian. At 30 kilometers per hour, however, only ten percent.

In Lyon, the stated aim of introducing the speed limit was also to increase road safety. In addition, the flow of traffic should be calmed and the public space should be better divided. The speed limit should also make it easier for pedestrians and cyclists to move forward and noise pollution for residents should also be reduced.

Thousands of fines for speeding

As the station further reported, not all drivers are still adhering to the speed limit. The registered average speed is therefore 38 kilometers per hour. Last year, a total of 17,000 fines were issued for speeding.

The speed limit is not limited to the city of Lyon alone, it will soon also apply to 24 municipalities in the surrounding area of ​​the metropolitan area with around 1.4 million inhabitants.

Tempo 30 for Germany too?

A number of German cities also want more 30 km/h zones for reasons of traffic safety and environmental protection. However, a law that was intended to give cities and municipalities more leeway for, among other things, setting up 30 km/h speed zones failed in the Federal Council at the end of November.

A similar debate has been going on for several years about a speed limit on German motorways. A general maximum speed of 130 kilometers per hour or less could also increase safety here and have positive effects on the environment, say supporters.

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